What Dental Assistants Do For Kids & Teens

What Dental Assistants Do For Kids & Teens

Lots of what dental assistants do involves keeping people healthy, happy, and confident thanks to a great smile. Teeth are just as important for babies, kids, and teens as they are for adults. Teeth change as we grow up but early dental health can impact a patient’s entire life. Dental assistants play a big role in keeping teeth safe! Learn why teeth are important as we grow, plus see what dental assistants do for kids of all ages.

Baby Teeth: What Dental Assistants Do With Infants And Toddlers

Babies are born with their first 20 baby teeth already developed in their jaws. These tiny teeth form before babies come into the world! Most babies start to teeth between 6 and 12 months old. Toddlers and young children should have a full mouth of teeth around age 3.

Baby teeth are a very important part of a child’s growth and development. Teeth help babies and toddlers learn how to chew and eat on their own. Eating independently is a huge milestone. Children need to know how to feed themselves and eat as they get older. Healthy baby teeth make it easy for babies to move to solid foods, try new things, and keep growing.

Teeth help young children learn other skills besides eating. Did you know that teeth play a big part in learning how to talk? The tongue presses against different parts of a child’s mouth as they learn to make different sounds. If a child has problems with their teeth, they physically can’t make the right sounds to learn how to talk. 

Baby teeth also help adult teeth grow correctly. Healthy baby teeth block grown-up teeth from erupting too soon. If a baby tooth falls out early, the adult tooth behind it might also show up too early. A full-sized tooth can take up too much space in a child’s mouth, which causes problems with other teeth. 

Not all parents know how important their baby’s teeth are. All baby teeth fall out, so it can seem like these aren’t a big deal. However, baby teeth are vital as kids grow up. 

What Dental Assistants Do To Help Babies

Dental assistants keep kids healthy and learning by taking care of their teeth. Here are some ways to make a baby’s life better as a dental assistant.

  • Teeth cleaning: teaches good habits to parents and children, while also avoiding painful cavities and fillings.
  • Create a friendly environment: help kids feel good about going to the dentist, not worried or scared.
  • Educate parents: promote dental health at home.

Dental Care For Older Children And Teens

Older kids and teenagers have very unique dental needs! Children start losing their baby teeth around 6 years old. Adult teeth begin to appear about a year later. 

Most grown-up teeth are in place by the teen years. Thirteen-year-olds usually have all their adult teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last ones to arrive, showing up around 17-21 years old.

Teens, tweens, and older kids can learn a lifetime of good teeth habits at this age. Solid dental skills prevent cavities, disease, injury, and more. No one grows a third set of teeth. Kids and teens need to take good care of the teeth they have.

Lots of changes happen to teenagers. Their teeth are no exception. Many teens get braces to correct problems like overcrowding, crooked teeth, misaligned bites, and more. Mouthguards are important for young athletes who get more competitive. And as kids get older, they start brushing their teeth on their own, not while a parent watches. 

These changes can be hard to navigate. Many teens struggle to keep good habits in place. Teenagers can have a hard time looking at the big picture. Not many teens are motivated by the thought of protecting their dental health decades in the future. 

What Dental Assistants Do To Help Older Kids And Teens

Dental assistants help teens and older kids keep their teeth healthy by focusing on their current priorities. Here are some ways to encourage teenagers to take care of their teeth.

  • Improved appearance: a bright smile looks great on everyone!
  • Hygiene: new social situations like dating and high school are easier with fresh breath.
  • Finish braces quickly: teens can get their braces off faster when their mouth is in good shape.
  • Build independence: encourage teens to take ownership of their teeth by building healthy habits.

What Dental Assistants Do With Young Patients

It’s easy to build good habits when we’re young. Babies and children learn new skills much faster than adults do. This learning ability starts to wear off for teenagers, but teens do still absorb things quicker than grownups. Children and teens who learn good dental habits are more likely to be healthy throughout the rest of their life.

Dental assistants help kids build good habits that last for a lifetime. Assistants help dentists with normal things like cleaning teeth, flossing, and treating cavities. 

What dental assistants do involves more than just working on teeth. They also make kids feel comfortable in a new situation, teach parents how to take care of their babies, and give teens a sense of independence. 

Assistants are an important part of every dentist’s office because they add a human element to dental care. Visits to the dentist’s office are easier, more enjoyable, and more productive when a friendly dental assistant is on hand. 

Learn More About Your Teeth

Teeth are important to babies, children, and teens for lots of reasons. Kids learn to eat and talk better with a healthy set of teeth. Older kids and teens can take charge of their health care with good dental habits. Dental health doesn’t stop when you become an adult, either! Teeth are also important as people get older. Keep an eye on Mom Gets A Job to learn why teeth are important for adults and seniors.


American Dental Association. (2022). Baby teeth. Mouth Healthy TM. https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/az-topics/b/baby-teeth

American Dental Association. (2022). Teen dental health. Mouth Healthy TM. https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/teens/

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