What Do Dental Assistants Do To Help Dentists

What Do Dental Assistants Do To Help Dentists

Exactly what do dental assistants do to help dentists? If you’re curious about this career, you probably want to know how dental assistants spend their days. Lots of moms want to become a dental assistant because these jobs have reliable schedules and good working conditions. A dentist’s office is a safe, indoor workplace that usually doesn’t require night or weekend shifts. But what does the job involve? Learn how dental assistants help dentists with procedures, patients, paperwork, and lots more.

Dental Assistants Are Part Of The Team

Every dentist needs dental assistants to make their office run smoothly. A dental assistant is very important! These professionals help dentists to make sure every patient receives the best care.

What do dental assistants do to help dentists? These professionals are kind of like medical assistants in a doctor’s office. Both of these jobs handle a lot of ground-level tasks to make sure people can get medical care. You’ll collect patient info, help people feel comfortable in the office, and assist doctors with procedures. Doctors and dentists can’t do their work without assistants to help them. 

Assistants help dentists all day long. And as a bonus, dental assistants make more than medical assistants! That’s one reason why we love to recommend this job.

What Do Dental Assistants Do Before Procedures?

female dental assistant with olive skin and dark hair prepares dental tools

One big part of a dental assistant’s job is to get everything ready for dental procedures. Procedures include things like filling cavities, pulling teeth, checking the gum health, putting on braces, and lots more. How do assistants prepare? It can be anything from flossing teeth to prepping patients for surgery.

Dental assistants have another important job before the work starts: they help patients understand what’s going on. Lots of people are scared of dental work. Good assistants help them feel comfortable starting by explaining what’s going to happen. A friendly conversation lets patients ask questions and learn about their dental plan.

Why Dentists Need Help Before Procedures

Helping patients feel comfortable is an important job. If you like talking to people and making them feel better, becoming a dental assistant could be a great career.

Dental Assistants Work On Patients

female dental assistant with olive skin and dark hair stands behind a row of dental implements and smiles at the camera

Lots of dental assistants are approved to work directly with patients. State dental assistant requirements are different across the country, but most places let dental assistants work on patients under a dentist’s supervision. 

For example, assistants will usually take a patient’s blood pressure, pulse, and maybe temperature at the start of an appointment. They might also measure blood oxygen levels and other stats before dental surgery.

Depending on where you live, your state might allow dental assistants to tackle other patient work. This can include:

  • Polishing teeth
  • Putting medicine on teeth and gums
  • Making impression molds of teeth
  • Preparing temporary crowns
  • Finding teeth that have problems
  • And lots more

Why Dentists Want Assistants To Work On Patients

Dentists like working with dental assistants who can treat patients under supervision. Trained assistants can handle lots of tasks on their own. When a dentist hires qualified professionals, they can treat more people at once. This means that dental assistants play a big role in keeping their community healthy.

Some Dental Assistants Can Take X-Rays And Do Lab Work

female dental assistant with olive skin and dark hair wears a green face mask and green gloves while looking at dental x-rays

Some states let dental assistants do even more complicated tasks. Did you know that assistants can take x-rays in some states? Taking x-rays is a vital part of working in a dentist’s office. Dental x rays let dentists find cavities, decay, and other problems. Assistants who take x-rays help dentists solve these problems before they get worse. 

How do you take x-rays? You’ll start by putting a protective, lead-lined apron over the patient’s body. This keeps x-rays from going anyplace they shouldn’t. The next step is to set up the x-ray machine. You’ll put sensors into the patient’s mouth that will capture the images. Next, you either put on a lead apron or leave the room to protect yourself before taking the x-ray. Then you look at the scans to make sure they’re what the dentist needs to see.

Some states also let assistants manage lab work. If you live in one of these states, you can do tests, check levels, and help dentists understand the results.

Why Dentists Need Help With X-Rays And Lab Work

Dental assistants who take x-rays are a great asset to any dentist’s office! X-rays and lab work are an important part of learning about someone’s dental situation. These skills let dentists find cavities, check blood levels, and perform other tests. Assistants are in high demand if they can take x rays or do lab work.

Dental Assistants Help During Procedures

These assistants spend lots of their time assisting dentists with procedures. Dental work is a hands-on skill that takes place in tight conditions. It’s hard to see inside someone’s mouth or work on teeth with complicated instruments. That’s why dentists count on their assistants to help.

What do dental assistants do during procedures? Assistants help dentists by making sure everything is ready to go. They hand tools to dentists, hold instruments in place, keep the patient’s mouth clear, and do other important jobs.

Dental assistants also help keep the patient calm and comfortable. Many people are nervous or scared about going to the dentist. Having a cavity filled or another procedure done can make the visit seem even worse. Assistants do a lot to help people feel better! They keep patients comfortable so they don’t feel panicked or frightened.

Why Dentists Need Help During Procedures

It can be hard to work inside of someone’s mouth. There’s not a lot of space and it can be hard to see. This is why dentists need an extra set of hands during procedures. Assistants are a very important part of any team! Dentists need assistants to hand them things, light up the space, and keep the patient comfortable. The best dental assistant jobs go to people who know how to help during procedures.

Dental Assistants Manage Paperwork

Assistants also handle important paperwork. Each patient’s visit creates lots of forms and records. These documents can include:

  • Patient treatment plans
  • Insurance forms
  • Billing information
  • Prescriptions
  • Schedules
  • And more

Why Dentists Need Help With Paperwork

Documentation helps a dentist’s office run smoothly. We know that paperwork can seem tedious. But documentation plays an important role in treatment. Assistants make sure patients are treated, insurance is filed, and next appointments are scheduled. All of this paperwork ensures people stay healthy and the dentist’s office stays in business.

What Do Dental Assistants Do? Learn More

Assistants play a necessary part in any dentist’s office. Professional assistants help dentists provide the best care possible. Want to find out more? Click here to learn more about what a dental assistant does. Or you can click here to see dental assistant requirements by state.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2022, July 13). Dental assistants: Similar occupations. Occupational Outlook Handbook. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/dental-assistants.htm#tab-8

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